781-592-DANC (3262) ~ misslisa@allaboutdance1.com
The music is in your heart and the rhythm lies in your soul,
but the passion has always been....All About Dance!
2024-2025 Dance Year
Fall Classes Begin September 9th!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register my child for dance?
There are two ways to register your child for dance, either on line at www.allaboutdance1.com or in the studio.
How do I pay for classes and what are the due dates at All About Dance?
All monthly payments require Autopay. You must sign up for Autopay on your parent portal. There are NO convenience fees for paying by credit card online. Payments are debited from your account starting September 15th and ending April 15th. Classes can be paid by cash or checks with approval by Miss Lisa. Along with the tuition payments, AAD will debit a $50 costume deposit. Payments are per costume, per class, at the time of your first tuition payment.
What should my child wear for class?
All dancers should wear black or pink leotard with pink or tan tights. Tan tap shoes, tan jazz boots and pink ballet shoes are required for those classes. All Company Dancers should have both tan and black tap and jazz shoes. All dance wear and shoes can be purchased at On Your Toes in Peabody.
Why do I have to buy a costume and tickets to see my child dance in the recital and when is the recital?
Your child works very hard all year. Part of the dance experience is a showcase or recital at the end of the year so that the dancers may show their parents and loved ones all that they have learned. The recital is usually the first or second weekend in May.
How long is a dance year?
Our dance year is from September through May. We observe all of the National holidays as well as vacation weeks.
Are your teachers qualified?
All of our teachers are experienced, qualified, certified dance teachers, having attended DTCB. All of our teachers continue their dance education by attending dance conventions, conferences and master classes.
Can we still join your classes after the term has started?
Dancers may join class up until January 1. At that time costumes are ordered and dances are being choreographed for the recital. We do offer Spring classes for those dancers who would like to try a new class or just take a class without the recital process.
Can parents watch?
We have peek weeks through out the dance year. It is important that your child's focus is 100% on the teacher and the lesson for the day. When we leave the door open to the class room it gets very distracting for both the student and the teacher.
Can my child take a make up class if she has missed a class?
If the studio cancels class due to the weather or something unforeseen, then we will schedule a make up class. Dancers are allowed 1 make up class if they miss a class due to illness or vacation.
How and why would my child become a Company Dancer?
All About Dance offers recreational classes as well as Company Classes. Company classes consist of Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Choreography. Dancers are required to take all 4 classes. Our Company Dancers are our Competitive Dancers. To become a Company Dancer you must have 2 years experience in both ballet, jazz and tap. Please call the studio to set up an audition for a proper placement in one of our companies.